Basic attacking Concepts against the castled King | Attacking Chess

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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy will teach you basic attacking concepts that will help you to create successful attacks against the castled king.

The first wave/ stage of the attack:
The sacrifice of a minor piece that leads to the creation of the very first and great threat, the threat of a checkmate.

The second wave/ stage of the attack:
To bring additional resources into the attack. For example, a rook lift can be used. One important principle when you perform the attack is to do everything quickly. Better as quick as possible. If you have a chance to perform the attack with the help of checks, giving your opponent no time to perform some defending actions, it will be the best way to achieve your goal.

The attack against the castled king does not have to lead to a checkmate. It is not necessary because if you manage to force a decisive material advantage it is also good enough.

Watch or consider the entire board: Never forget about other pieces they may also take part in the attack.

General Guidelines:

– Is the king in a weak position? In general, the attack against the castled king is possible if the position of the King is weakend.

– Are enough pieces attacking the king? The quantity and power of the attacking resources exceed the power or quantity of the defending resources.

– If there are less defenders around the king it is easier to force weaknesses in the king’s position.

– Advanced pawns around the king are typically your targets.

– Sometimes it is possible to sacrifice a piece for the pawns in front of the castled king in order to open up the position and at the same time to bring your main attackers to the enemy king quickly.

– The more resources you have around the enemy king, the better.

– Usually the first wave of attack against the enemy king is not that dangerous. Your opponent is usually able to deal with it. The second wave of the attack should follow and it should come rather quickly. You should consider the time and bring your resources to the attack as fast as possible.

– Give your opponent no time to protect the king.

– Calculate everything carefully.

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