Castling: chess rules and requirements

In order to do castling, chess rules regarding the pieces should be followed. Besides, a player needs to meet several requirements. Further, we break down various aspects of castling and provide the guidelines.

chess rules and requirements

Necessary conditions for castling

When planning to castle, see if a particular situation is suitable. Only if the demands we list below are met, can you proceed with the move:

  • Neither the king nor the rook hasn’t moved before. Probably one of them developed and then returned to its initial square. In such a case, castling is also illegal
  • Any other pieces do not occupy the squares between the rook and the king
  • The king isn’t under attack, just as the squares it passes and the final one

Keep in mind that the rook is allowed to experience an attack while castling. This point sometimes brings confusion, so we must emphasize that.

How to execute castling: chess rules step by step

Although the combination involves several pieces, it counts as a single turn. These are the exact steps you want to take in order to castle:

  1. Move the king 2 squares in the rook’s direction.
  2. Advance the rook to the square that was just passed by the king.

This sequence is valid for both types of castling (short and long). The distinction is in the latter case the rook finishes closer to the center.

Final thoughts

Now you’re ready for castling, chess rules are learned. But after you’ve done it, remember to maintain the castled position safe. Also, if the rival hasn’t castled yet, consider an opportunity to attack.