World Chess Championship London Karpov v Kasparov 1986

Contemporary UK TV coverage of Karpov v Kasparov Game 7, played in London in 1986. The second half of the match was played in Leningrad.
Coverage by host Jeremy James, IM William Hartston with guest remarks by the Canadian Nathan Divinsky (who had a rating in excess of 2400 in the 1950s and 1960s)


  1. This is gold love it takes me back thanks for shareing.❤

  2. I think Nathan Divinsky was brought in to confuse the audience.

  3. Funny commentating, looks pretty primitive

  4. thank you so much for this interesting video

  5. Jolly good match, and a reminder of how a victory can slip away during tense moments of the end game, even for the gods.

  6. "You could say…they've got legionnaires disease!"Tumbleweed

  7. Thank you for this video! I have loads of old video tapes with 80s BBC coverage of the chess which I used to watch over and over again. Nathan Divinsky appeared quite a few times as a guest.

  8. They fought they find a win but stockfish 16 super engine agree with Kasparov black have f5 defend

  9. It's amazing that Kasparov was able to untangle his pieces and achieve a draw from that extremely difficult early middlegame position. So many other players would have capitulated. Garry's resilience and fighting spirt were really second to none.

  10. I like the shine on Karpovs suit looks verry good on the whole too

  11. Just don’t promote to a horse as the graphics can’t do that ! 80’s ❤

  12. You are the man, this is like opening presents you don't know what you're going to get thank you rob greatly appreciated.

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